Glow Up
A Glow Up is a very intricate, elaborate and individual process that usually happens over three to six years. It is defined as an "incredible transformation". Hi, I'm Cass if you didn't know. Personally, I have been going through a glow up but not on the Internet, in real life. I've been making changes to my life that I never would have before. I lost seven pounds just from doing a workout. I changed my eating habits and even started caring about my appearance more. By doing all of these things I started to change and make myself feel and look better. I'm going to be giving little tips and tricks on how to 'Glow Up' to what you want.
I don't wear any makeup. I lied I wear mascara twice a week at most and that's it. I do several different facial washes a week, I style myself to look good. And I try to work out at least five times a week. Glowing Up isn't about making yourself shrink down to a size zero, or to fit in size extra small, it's about making yourself feel better about yourself and your decisions.
My name is Cass Tae and I am not a professional at anything but I can help you work out problems and give tips and tricks to feel better about yourself.
Cass Tae
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